The Institute pioneered the development of Statistical Quality Control (SQC) movement in India. As early as in 1935, the Institute had recommended that the Government should take appropriate measures to initiate SQC methods in Indian industries. Prof. Walter A. Shewhart (the originator of SQC) came to India at the invitation of the Institute in November 1947, toured the country, held conferences and stimulated interest among Indian industrialists. The Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research (SQC & OR) Division set up in 1953, now operates with 8 units located at Bangalore, Kolkata, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Pune. The basic objective of the Division is to propagate the use of SQC & OR and allied management techniques for improving quality, enhancing productivity, reduce manufacturing cost and losses in industries. During the last four decades of its existence, this is realized through academic programmes, consultancy services, in-plant and general training courses for industrial personnel, systems and software development, organizing conference, seminars and research in the methods and procedures of quality control, operations research and allied techniques.
The increased awareness that Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research (SQC & OR) techniques are of immense help in the development of the industrial sector, has led to the introduction of an MTech. programme in Quality, Reliability and Operations Research followed by a Ph.D. programme in the same discipline.